Grow Your Love to Mighty Proportions
"Total unselfishness is sure to accomplish another factor in successful marriage. If one is forever seeking the interests, comforts, and happiness of the other, the love found in courtship and cemented in marriage will grow into mighty proportions. Many couples permit their marriages to become stale and their love to grow cold like old bread or worn-out jokes or cold gravy. Certainly the foods most vital for love are consideration, kindness, thoughtfulness, concern, expressions of affection, embraces of appreciation, admiration, pride, companionship, confidence, faith, partnership, equality, and interdependence." - Spencer W. Kimball There is a profound paradox to be found in a successful marriage. Rather to focus on what I need, I need to focus on the needs of my sweetheart. Only by focusing on the needs of my eternal companion can my needs truly be met.