Love on a postcard
i love you (some more) Originally uploaded by niznoz . I was out of town a couple of weeks ago and my sweetie and a couple of the rug rats were left home. We have made it a tradition for me to send postcards home when I am away. It is fun to find postcards of the things I have been seeing and share that with the family back home. Three postcards were purchased, addressed, stamped and sent at the same time. All were dropped into the same mailbox. You would therefore expect that the postcards would arrive home at the same time. You would be mistaken. The first arrived 3 days later. The second arrived the following day and the third two days after that. I wonder if the post office workers do that on purpose just to have a bit of fun. I tell you that story to bring out the point: Let your sweetie know you are thinking about them even when you are not together. It is a very simple and effective way of bringing romance into a relationship. Some simple ideas: * Send yo...