
Showing posts from 2006

Final 'Harry Potter' title announced - Yahoo! News

Final 'Harry Potter' title announced - Yahoo! News : "If you go to her home page , click on the eraser and you will be taken to a room — you'll see a window, a door and a mirror. In the mirror, you'll see a hallway. Click on the farthest doorknob and look for the Christmas tree. They click on the center of the door next to the mirror and a reef appears. Then click on the top of the mirror and you'll see a garland. Look for a cobweb next to the door. Click on it, and it will disappear. Now, look at the chimes in the window. Click on the second chime to the right, and hold it down. The chime will turn into the key, which opens the door. Click on the wrapped gift behind the door, then click on it again and figure out the title yourself by playing a game of hangman." BTW: It is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. My previous posting was in error. Thanks for helping me out, commenter.

Christmas Gifts for 2006

Here are some interesting gift ideas for both husband and wife. the list tries to focus on gifts that are fun, out of the ordinary and either inexpensive or on sale. For Him: Amazon Gift Certificates - Amazon has most everything so it would be hard to go wrong. Use promo code SNOW10 and save 10% at The Popcorn Factory! (Valid through 12.31.06) The Popcorn Factory has all sorts of fun gifts. Be sure to use the promotional code, SNOW10, to get a 10% discount. Last Minute Gifts for Him at For Her: Need to send a special gift this Holiday season? Send a PajamaGram! - This was quite popular last year! Amazon Gift Certificates - Amazon has most everything so it would be hard to go wrong. Use promo code SNOW10 and save 10% at The Popcorn Factory! (Valid through 12.31.06) The Popcorn Factory has all sorts of fun gifts. Be sure to use the promotional code, SNOW10, to get a 10% discount. Last Minute Gifts for Her at Walm...

Unity and Friendship in Marriage

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has put together a page of resources that encourage together a page of resources that encourage u unity and friendship in marriage . There are 8 articles listed, summarized below. Check them out and let me know in the comments what you found most helpful in your relationship with your sweetie. Unity and Friendship in Marriage SUGGESTED RESOURCES 'The Enriching of Marriage' James E. Faust, Ensign, Nov. 1997, 9-11 The scriptures themselves warn that we cannot endure on borrowed light; if we do not have self-light, we will not stand. 'That We May Be One' Henry B. Eyring, Ensign, May 1998, 66-68 The Savior of the world spoke of that unity and how we will have our natures changed to make it possible. 'Friendship: A Gospel Principle' Marlin K. Jensen, Ensign, May 1999, 64-65 If we truly want to be tools in the hands of our Heavenly Father in bringing to pass His eternal purposes, we need only to be a friend. 'Onene...

Expressing Thankfulness and Appreciation

The importance of gratitude has been expressed throughout the ages. For example: Thanksgivin' Tilt Originally uploaded by LeggNet . Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others. -- Marcus Tullius Cicero Good men and bad men differ radically. Bad men never appreciate kindness shown them, but wise men appreciate and are grateful. Wise men try to express their appreciation and gratitude by some return of kindness, not only to their benefactor, but to everyone else. -- Buddha Gratitude is to marriage as oil is to an engine. It needs to be applied liberally and throughout and is of such importance, that a fresh supply must be added regularly to ensure success and longevity. -- Matthew Smith COLOSSIANS 3:12-17 12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; 13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Chris...

Romance on a Budget

An explosion of light Originally uploaded by fabbio . Think of the most romantic thing ever. It could be something you have done, something you would like to do or something you have heard about. Get a good picture of it in your mind. Go ahead, I'll wait..... Let me guess. Your romantic idea is not "spend $100.00" or some other sum of money. Am I right? Of course I am. Spending money in and of itself is not romantic. However, it is a fair bet to say that your idea of romance includes spending a fair amount of money. What this says is that the romance is not in spending the money, but in what the money buys. It also means that we can be romantic without spending a lot of money. Remember, it is not the money being spent that makes the romance happen. Of course, everyone's idea of romance is different. Some of my ideas are: A trip to Hawaii Dinner for 2 at a nice restaurant Going to the Shakespearean festival A walk along the beach holding hands Going...

Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples

For some great ideas for hsi and hers Halloween costumes. Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples : "If you are drawing a blank when it comes to Halloween costumes for the two of you as a couple for a Halloween or other costume party, check out these lists of famous and not-so-famous twosomes."

Word is a shadow of a deed

word is a shadow of a deed Originally uploaded by _kasia_ . A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed. Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906, Norwegian dramatist) Deeds seem more sincere than words.

Romantic Bible Verses: Proverbs 18:22

Colored Gems Originally uploaded by Sully Pixel . Proverbs 18:22 22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the L ORD . Two thoughts come to mind when pondering this verse. First, my sweetheart is a gift from God. Such a gift is a treasure to me. After being married for years, it might be easy to become complacent about my wife and our relationship. How much better it is to treat your sweetheart as a precious treasure! Second, how blessed of the Lord I am to have received this gift. I have received much from the hand of the Lord. One of His greatest gifts to me is the wonderful woman whom I call "wife". She has been a "good thing" in my life and I have indeed found favour of the L ORD in her.

Marriage on Television

arroyo TV Originally uploaded by reddirtrose . I had a couple of separate thoughts come together today. The first thought was about the number boys that are growing up in homes without fathers. There are so many single mothers either due to divorce, death, fathers abandoning their families and children concieved out of wedlock. Some sources say that as many as 50% of children will spend at least part of their childhood with only one parent. As wonderful as mothers and women are, boys want and need a male role model to show them how a man acts. When there is not a father to provide this role model, it must come from somewhere else. If that role model is to come from TV, I would be hard pressed to name one that I like. The second thought come from working on getting my book ready for printing. I have been re-reading some my favorite things of what I had posted before. Topics like respect, humor, couresty, faithfulness, undestanding and gratitdue are common. The practice of...

Sweet Deal: Buy one, get one 50% off at Things Remembered

Buy one, get one 50% off at Things Remembered. Things Remembered has an interesting collection of personalized gifts. You are sure to find just the right gift for him or her. The nice thing is that you can then personalize the gift so it means that much more.

Poll Results: The Most Romantic Film Ever

After the extensive research of our highly scientific poll , it has been determined that The Princess Bride is the most romantic movie of all time. Honorable mention goes to: Casablanca Singin in the Rain Ever After When Harry Met Sally The Adventures of Robin Hood The Mask of Zorro A Walk in the Clouds Tags: romantic , movies , married , couples

The day the world changed

Flag Originally uploaded by inzenity . There have been so many programs remembering and honoring the people who lost their lives and the families they left behind. The World Trade Center disaster affected so many lives, both directly and inderectly. Even those of us who had no direct relation to anyone invloved felt the economic consequences. This morning I didn't even kiss my wife goodbye. I got up late then the toilet backed up. I love you sweetie.

Reader Poll: Most Romantic Film Ever

Here is a simple readers poll. To participate, post your comments in the comments. Simple, no? I'll recap the results in a later posting. Today's poll question: What is the most romantic film ever? A romantic film has to appeal to both husband and wife. No chick-flick or Rambo movies. Well, unless your hubby likes chick-flicks. I don't. Also, it needs to be PG or better. No R, X, M, NC-17, or "not-rated because the rating board couldn't stand to watch" films. This is a family site and will remain so. Ok, here are my candidates: * Princess Bride * Casablanca * Legend of Zorro. I think "Princess Bride" wins. It has everything, even kissing, but only at the end. Tags: romantic , film , poll , clean , family , couple

Date Idea: Chocolate Factory Tours

For a fun, inexpensive date, try a tour of a chocolate factory. We have one close and it sounds like lots of fun. From their web page: Chocolate Factory Tours : "The tour includes viewing areas of the candy kitchen and boxing areas. Also an up-close look of how our hand-dipped chocolates are made. Video presentations of How Chocolate is made and the History of Mrs. Cavanaughs Candies are viewed in the theatre room. There are also plenty of delicious samples and treats throughout the tour." Spend an hour enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of chocolate. Free samples to boot. Of course, the kids would love to join you for this one. Tags: date , idea , romantic , tip , chocolate , married , husband , wife , couple

Things Remembered's 40th Birthday Celebration!

Scratch-and-Save Up to 40% at Things Remembered! Things Remembered has a great assortment of personalized gifts. Tags: things , remebered , gift , husband , wife , personalized

Different Types of Kisses

I know about eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses, but here is a list of other kisses. The site has some fun kiss and hugs stories, including the Barney Song. Hugs and Kisses Storytime for Preschoolers : "Grandma kisses grab cheeks and squeeze Fish kisses purse lips and move them Movie star kisses blow big ones Rabbit kisses wiggle nose Dog kisses stick out your tongue and lick"

Unexpected Opportunity

sky Originally uploaded by muha... . Usually my sweetie and I don't spend any time together in the morning. She gets up to go excercise and I am gone to work before she gets back. She says good bye as she leaves. Its not a problem as neither of us are morning people anyway. However, we had an unexpected opportunity to spend some time together. It was a rare treat for us both. I drive in a carpool but had to drive alone today. I decided to sleep in a little bit since I had to drive myself. My sweetie got up and left as usual. A few minutes later she returned. Her walking partner wasn't able to go with her. "Wanna go for a walk with me?" "It will take me a couple of minutes to get ready." "I'll wait." We ended up walking for quite a while and then eating breakfast together, all because my sweetheart saw an unexpected opportunity and asked me to join her. OK, I had planned on catching up on some sleep. But walking in the cool...

Romantic Bible Verses: Sowing and Reaping

heart-shaped mini-tomato Originally uploaded by iz*source . After being on vacation for over a week, I took on the task of weeding the garden. Our garden is just a small one. This year we planted peas, carrots, tomatoes in 2 varieties, cucumbers, and swiss chard. For some reason, the carrots never came up but everything else did really well. The peas and the swiss chard have been on for a while. As a matter of fact, the peas are all done and I pulled them up with the weeds. After the weeds and the peas were removed from the garden, I noticed out first tomatoes and cucumbers were ready. The garden is now back in shape and my sweetie is in tomato heaven. Working in the garden reminds me of the simple yet profound "law of the harvest". Simply put it is: you harvest what you plant. This law is found in Galatians 6:7-10 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh...

Weekly Date Night

Candle light Originally uploaded by 1_ralf . In church a couple of weeks ago, the topic for discussion was "improving the relationship between husband and wife". There were a group of men, most of whom had grown kids and had been married for a long time. My sweetie and I have been married 17 years and I was one of the younger men in the crowd. It was a rare opportunity to learn from the voice of experience. One common thought was the importance of planning, scheduling and having a date with your sweetheart on a regular, weekly basis. Some weak objections were raised about not having enough time. The response to this objection is it depends on your priorities. Our lives are so full and our time so occupied that it takes planning to make a regular date night happen. Each of us has the same 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day. There is not time to do everything, but there is time to do the important stuff. Those men who seemed to have the longest, h...

Working overtime

a very, very bad place Originally uploaded by autowitch . Many thanks to those of you who have stayed with during my "break". As I mentioned before, I converted this blog into a book, a blook if you will. The blog book. That took a lot of time and energy away from actually writing the blog. On top of the book, I have been working a lot of overtime for the past several weeks. Being a "bit miner" or computer programmer, I can work at work and work at home when need be. The project was running late and so I got to work late for several weeks running. Working late night after night means a lot of time away from wife and kids. However, my family was very supportive and understanding. Thanks guy, I love you all. What are some tricks to keeping romance alive when the amount of time to be together is limited? I have a few thoughts. First, keep the flame burning bright with lots of affection and communication before the overtime starts. A wife or husband w...

Date Idea: Outdoor Theater

Mountain Theater Originally uploaded by kimretta . Summer is a great time of year for entertainment. One thing we really like doing is attending outdoor plays and concerts. If the weather is nice, it can make for a really nice, out of the box, date. If the weather is not so nice, it can be one of those thing you laugh about over the years. We have attended several concerts and plays over the years including: * A rock concert in the mountains * The symphony playing as part of the 4th of July celebration * Semi-professional plays presented in a mountain amphitheater * Amateur plays in local parks * Local bands playing in a plaza Again this year there are lots of different events to choose from, with all sorts of price range. Many local events are free or inexpensive enough to bring the whole family. Others are more expensive and might be appropriate for a special occasion like an anniversary. Some tips for attending outdoor events: * Be prepared for changes in weather. ...

Romantic Tips for Married Couples: The Book

You may wonder why its been so long since my last post. I will tell you. As noted earlier, there have been over 250 posting to Romantic Tips for Married Couples. As much as I have enjoyed writing these tips for both husbands and wives, a website leaves a few things to be desired. The most obvious is it ties you to the computer and to the Internet. The information isn't available everywhere, you have to access it from the computer which is tied to the Internet. Believe it or not, not everyone lives on the Internet. About this time, I decided to do something special for my sweetie's birthday. My sweetheart loves gifts that are not just store bought. She likes gifts that have some personal investment involved. As I thought about it, I realized I had invested almost 10 years studying and 2 years writing about romance within marriage and had learned quite a bit on the subject. With the help of a friend , I pulled the postings from this site into a real, printed on paper, bo...

Father's Day Gift Ideas

Save $10 on personalized gifts for dad over $75. Coupon code: DAD10. Show you care, send a Vermont Teddy Bear! Father's Day Gift Guide Father's day is coming up soon, did you get your Fathers Day gifts yet? If not then check out a great selection of Fathers Day gift baskets or even some gourmet fruit baskets . Tags: romantic , married , couple , husband , fathers day

The Meaning of Love

Love!! Originally uploaded by fanz . Love is one of those interesting words in English. It has so many meanings. Consider the following: * I am in love with my wife * I love my children * I love my dog * I love pizza * I love this hotel room * I love autumn * The score was 20-love Obviously I don't love my wife in the same way I love pizza. Yet, we use the same word to express the deep abiding passion that exists between husband and wife as we use to express the flavor of some food. Looking in the dictionary, there are over 17 different meanings to the word love. I can be a noun or a verb, active or passive. There are two separate phrases involving love to consider. The phrases are "in love" and "for love". "In love" means deeply or passionately enamored. "For love" is defined as out of compassion; with no thought for a reward. In love describes a state or feeling. I am in love with my sweetheart. That ...

Father's Day Gift Idea: Swiss Army Knife and Watch

Father's Day is fast approaching. For some reason it does not receive the attention of Mother's Day. Even so, it is important to honor our fathers and grandfathers. Here's the problem, what to get for dad? Mother's Day is easier: a card, flowers, chocolates, and jewelry. But fathers are harder to buy for. My sweetie asked me today what I wanted and I seriously couldn't think of anything. I have everything I need and most everything I want. I am so hard to buy for. Well, if you want to get some different ideas for dad, try The Swiss Army Knife store. They have lots of stuff for dads, even if knifes are not his thing. BTW: This is not a hint, I have a knife. I'll think of something.

Keep In Touch

[ Keep in Touch ] Originally uploaded by UAE-inspirer . Consider the wonder of human skin. It conceals our gross looking inwards in a rather attractive covering. When exposed to the sunlight, it produces Vitamin D. Skin also protects the body from damage and disease. It helps to cool the body when hot and warm the body when cold. Another important feature of skin is its ability to communicate: the cheeks flush red when a person is embarassed or excited, pales with ilness or fear, green with sea-sickeness. More to the point, the skin contains lots of nerve receptors. There are many different kinds of receptors. There are receptors for detecting mechanical stimulation, pain, heat, and location. Just as the types of nerve receptors varies, so does their density in the skin. Certain parts of the skin are more sensitive than others due to a higher number of nerve receptors per square inch. Of special note is that the hands and lips have a higher concentration of pleasure ...


Google Heart is a strange page that includes a bouncing heart, ways to say I Lov You in several languages and a search for greeting cards. Google love you.

Clean Romantic Humor

Believe it or not, this is the one subject that I have the hardest time finding humor on, even though I have a clean humor page and a romantic tips for married couples page. Most relationship humor is demeaning to either men or women or its just not fit for mixed company. Below are a few links you might find appropriate: This one is a personal story of how the best laid plans go astray. Not really a joke, but where to look for jokes. Some one - liners A cute story Not romantic, but might be appropriate Parent Job Description A wedding gift Silly riddles Senior Breakfast Why brides wear white Antiques dealer

Last Minute Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day, like I've said before , is a great time to honor those special women in our lives: mothers, grandmothers and sweethearts. As is customary, we give gifts to these women. My sweetie helped pick hers out, so she knows what she is getting. Her mother is getting a nice gift I think she will really like. Grandma is getting tomatoes, which she really enjoys. For my mom, still pondering that one. If you are stuck, I've included links to some links to Mother's Day gifts below. Mother's Day is Sunday. Get flowers from 10% OFF Mother's Day Orders at - Enter Code MDAY2006 -Ends 051406