Lots of open questions. / Massor av öppna frågor (8/365) , a photo by Mattes Svart Photography on Flickr. The other day my wife and I decided to play Monopoly which is something we have not done in a long time. It is of those games we used to play as kids, especially on New Year's Eve when you have a long time to kill. The game started out fun as we enjoyed spending the time together in some friendly competition. Then as the game wore on, it became less fun. Eventually, it became obvious that I was going to win but that it was still going to be some time. Soon the inevitability of the outcome overcame the funness and we called the game. Monopoly is a competitive game in which all the players try to win by beating the other players. Those sorts of games are very fun and are very common. However, there is a different sort of game available, a cooperative game. In these games, all the players work together to reach a common goal. ...