Communication and Marriage

James E Faust stated:

"Marriage relationships can be enriched by better communication. One
important way is to pray together. This will resolve many of the
differences, if there are any, between the couple before sleep comes. I do
not mean to overemphasize differences, but they are real, and make things
interesting. Our differences are the little pinches of salt which can make
the marriage seem sweeter. We communicate in a thousand ways, such as a
smile, a brush of the hair, a gentle touch, and remembering each day to say
'I love you' and the husband to say 'You're beautiful.'
Some other important words to say, when appropriate, are 'I'm
sorry.' Listening is excellent communication."

So many great ideas in a single paragraph. 


Praying with each other and for each other is a powerful influence for good in a marriage and in a family.  Imagine how your sweetie feels in hearing you thank God daily for your sweetheart and your relationship.  Praying invites peace and harmony into the home.  It is the basis for the inspiration that is needed in raising children and overcoming the difficulties that arise in a relationship.  Pray daily and thank God for your sweetie.

Non-verbal communication

We often think of communication as verbal: speaking and listening.  Yet a lot of communication happens through the other senses.  We see a smile and feel a gentle touch, a soft stroke or a pat on the back.   While  verbal communication is  important,  non-verbal communication is  also  important  and  can  be much more effective.  Saying "I love you" is important, but smiling and holding hands while saying it makes it that much more meaningful.  Remember the importance of non-verbal communication and go give your sweetheart a big bear hug.


For some reason, people tend to focus on the negative and ignore the positive.  Be sure to focus on the positive with your sweetie.  Compliment them on their looks, on a job well done and on being such a wonderful spouse and parent.  To make the compliment more meaningful, write it down.  Spoken words are ethereal.  Once spoken they are gone, never to be retrieved again.  The written word as permanence and reality.  Writing things makes it more real because it can be seen, touched and read over and over again.  Write your sweetie a compliment today.


Make time for talking and listening.   Listening is more than hearing.  Its really paying attention.  Its turning off the TV and removing other distractions.  Its stopping what you are doing so you can dedicate your whole attention to your sweetie.  It shows your love by deomstrating how important your sweethearts ideas and concerns are to you.  Make time to talk and and take time to listen.


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