Romantic Christmas Tip: Building Anticipation

December 15th
Originally uploaded by Krypto.
Did you get your sweetie something special for Christmas? Of course you did, or you better soon. Want to know how to make it even more fun? Use the same principle as the advent calendar.

An advent calendar is a way to count down the days left until Christmas. My sweetheart made one that is just a blank wall hanging with 24 buttons on it. Each day a new element is added to one of the buttons. On Christmas it is a creche with baby Jesus, angels, animals and so on. Our kids love to add a new element each day. It helps to build the anticipation and excitement for the big day.

Use the same technique with your special gift you are giving your sweetie. Start leaving obscure clues and dropping obtuse hints about the nature of the gift. Your hints can include things like cost, size, and intended use. Be sure to only give one hint a day. Also, be sure that none of the hints or all of the hints together don't give it away.

Perhaps an example. Say you are giving your sweetie an iPod for Christmas. You hints might include the following:
  • Its smaller than a breadbox (classic size comparison)
  • Its goes well with your skin tone (maybe jewelry or clothing)
  • Its shiny (more jewelry)
  • It will make everyone jealous
  • It will help with your daily chores
  • It will enhance your beautiful eyes (compliment)
I think you get the idea. Leave each hint on a post-it note in an obvious place. By the time Christmas comes, your sweetie will really be feeling the anticipation.

Good Luck and have fun. Merry Christmas everyone.


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