Some things I learned from my dog

My dog Tess
Originally uploaded by m0smith
My dog is one of those happy, glad to see you, let's play tug o' war kind of dogs. Whenever there is someone at the door, she runs to see who it is. Sometimes she gets out but she always head home after not too long. She is also a great example of how to make someone feel good.

1 Smile. This dog has a permanent smile. She always seems happy to see everyone. Let people see you smile.

2 Excitement. Whenever I walk in the door she wags her tail and runs around, overcome with happiness. Don't be afraid to take a few moments and let you spouse know you are glad to see them.


yes, i agree =) i remember what my husband said in his wedding vow to me "I will always be like a dog waiting for you to come home..." it sounded kinda silly at first. but when i thought about it, i realized it was very sweet of him to say that =)
yes, I agree =) I remember what my husband said in his vows when we got married " i will always be like a dog waiting for you to go home..." it sounded kinda silly at first. but when i thought about it, it was very sweet =)

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