Count down to Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!A oft-heard Christmas Carol is the Twelve Days of Christmas in which a "true love" sends a different gift over the course of 12 days.

My true love sent to me
  • Twelve drummers drumming,
  • Eleven pipers piping,
  • Ten lords a-leaping,
  • Nine ladies dancing,
  • Eight maids a-milking,
  • Seven swans a-swimming,
  • Six geese a-laying,
  • Five golden rings,
  • Four calling birds,
  • Three French hens,
  • Two turtledoves,
  • And a partridge in a pear tree!
I never did get what leaping lords are good for but that is beside the point.

For Valentine's Day, take the same concept and make a "count down to Valentine's Day".

Twelve (Feb 3)
Lots of things comes in dozens like flowers, doughnuts and eggs. Also, you should be able to find flowers for a reasonable price still.
Eleven (Feb 4)
Eleven sweet nothings like the candy hearts or Dove Chocolate Promises both of which have messages for the day.
Ten ( Feb 5)
Ten digits like phone numbers or fingers. Send an "I love you" TXT message or use your ten fingers and give a nice massage.
Nine (Feb 6)
Nine languages of love. Write nine different notes that say I love you in 9 different languages:Ek is lief vir jou, mi stimabo, Asko maite zaitut,eu te amo,Hu Guiya Hao,Wo ie ni,Mi amas vin,Nu' umi unangwa'ta,Ti amo,Techihhila. Leave the notes in places where they will be found through-out the day. For bonus points, put them in fortune cookies or wrapped in kisses.
Eight (Feb 7)
Create a CD with eight songs your valentine will like. You could also give the eight green M&Ms and then share the rest. You could also give 8 Kisses or Hugs and Kisses keeping in mind that not all Kisses come from Hershey.
Seven (Feb 8)
Seventh heaven: 7 chocolate dipped strawberries or the strawberries without the chocolate.
Six (Feb 9)
Half dozen heart shaped cookies
Five (Feb 10)
5 Golden rings like funnions or 5 TXT messages that say I love you (see Nine above).
Four (Feb 11)
Four favors: give four Love Coupons
Three (Feb 12)
Three balloons. For extra credit, put something in the balloon like a mini 3 musketeers bar, a little note or a present split into three pieces.
Two (Feb 13)
Lots of great things come in pairs. Give either earrings, tickets or socks. Another idea is something his and hers like a keychain.
One (Feb 14)
Write a letter to your sweetheart expressing love and gratitude. This can be the final gift by itself or attached to the gift.

Have a happy Valentine's Day.


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