
Originally uploaded by MontanaRaven.
Blessed is the person who sees the need, recognizes the responsibility, and actively becomes the answer.

--- William A. Ward

Part of the power of marriage is the ability to help each other. As the years progress, we recognize the weaknesses, pressures, stresses and blindspots in our sweethearts. Once you see the need, seek to become the answer.

Simple example: Your sweetie is busy with dishes, helping with homework, and trying to get ready for a meeting. Step up and take one of the burdens, like doing the dishes, onto yourself.

This does not mean to take over everything your sweetie tries to do. But when your sweetheart needs help, step up and be there.


Maureen said…
It's nice to see my photo being used in a context like your blog, Matt. I've just read a few of your archived posts and have to say this is a cool blog - what a great idea, since so many people believe they don't have any idea how to "do" romance ... it does take some thought and being intentional and your blog, I'm sure if filling an important place for many people. I'll come back again when I have more time and read further. Good luck with the blog and I'm glad to see my photo (of my son and my mom) used in this way.
Maureen ... my blog is here:
raven -

It is so wonderful for people like you to share their creativity so freely. When I started looking for a photo to go with that post, I had an idea in mind. That photo evoked just the emotion I wanted people to feel, of helping and being helped.

Thanks for sharing it.
Maureen said…
well, I'm glad I made a photo that fit your article so well. that's great!

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