Sharing your Ancestors

Memorial Day is coming up, at least in the U.S. We make it a point to visit graves of both my family and that of my sweetie. I have taken to talking pictures of the headstones, but I am into genealogy that way. One fun part of genealogy is meeting distant relatives over the internet.

This year, as you visit the cemetery, take your digital camera along. Take nice pictures of the headstones. When you get back home, go to Find A Grave and add your ancestors and those of your sweetheart. They allow you to include pictures so you can upload those pictures you took. It is a great way to honor and remember.

If anyone is in Idaho Falls and can make it to the Rose Hill Cemetery and take pictures of Thomas, Beam and Nutini (if there are any) gravestone markers, I would appreciate it. I have a bunch of family there, but don't make it up there.


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