Friday the Baker's Dozen-eth

Here it is again, Friday the 13th, namesake of a lot of really bad movies. Maybe that is why the day is considered unlucky because it makes you think of awful cinema. I'm sure there are other reasons for the Friday the 13th superstition that you could find if you just looked in different places.

Unless your sweetie suffers from triskaidekaphobia, the day makes a good time for a surprise gift for your sweetheart. A while ago it was suggested:
Give your sweetheart a dozen real roses and one silk rose with a note that says "I will love you until the last flower fades".
For whatever reason, we like to think in terms of "a dozen". Many things come in dozens likes eggs, donuts, and flowers. Today's tip is to turn the common place dozen into a special dozen plus one, a baker's dozen if you will. The trick is to make the "plus one" stand out as a surprise as in the above idea. The note focuses the attention on the one flower that will last forever, just like your love. How romantic.

Some other ideas for a dozen plus one:
  • A balloon bouquet with 12 regular balloons and a single Mylar balloon.
  • A dozen roses with a single daisy
  • 12 Hershey's kisses with a note as to where to get the other kiss
  • 12 romantic coupons with an extra one hand made by you. The extra one could be something more personalized for your sweetie, or it could be a fill in the blank one so your sweetheart to say what the coupon is to be used for.
  • A dozen suckers (think Dum Dum or Tootsie Pops) and a giant heart shaped sucker.
  • This one is a bit obscure. Get a picture of the two of you, make a copy and write a note on the back. Then cut it into 12 pieces. Hid the pieces where your sweetie will find them. When the 12 gifts are assembled, they will create the thirteenth, your note.
  • Make a CD with 12 of your sweethearts favorite tracks. Make the 13th track either you singing, playing an instrument or just even you talking and telling your sweetie how much they are loved and appreciated.


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