The Folly of Victor Frankenstein
I have never before read Frankenstein. I've seen the various movies based on the book. However, I have never actually sat down and read the book. Well, I have been correcting that omission. I was reading Frankenstein
, well actually I was listening to it on my free iPod, and was struck by the following :
Do not allow these pursuits to weaken your affections in your relationship with your sweetie and your duty to family. The meaning of life can defined in terms of relationships, with the marriage relationship being one of the most important and lasting.
My sweetheart has been very supporting of my career. She understands when I have had to put in lots of overtime and held down the fort when I was traveling and only home every other weekend. However, although she understood the need, it was still difficult to keep the fire burning in our relationship. A relationship requires having the time to discuss the day to day issues as well as working on the romantic aspects. If there is little time for talking, the daily difficulties will dominate the discussion.
Another bit of wisdom: leave work at work. Your sweetheart deserves your full attention. Leave the problems of work at the door. Be focused on what your sweetie saying, not just half listening.
Strive to maintain balance between work, home and other interests.
I wished, as it were, to procrastinate all that related to my feelings of affection until the great object, which swallowed up every habit of my nature, should be completed.All of us have occupations, studies, hobbies or other interests that demand time, effort and attention. From time to time, these demands may overwhelm other aspects of a balanced life. Long hours of study may be required in educational studies. The pursuit of a career can require many overtime hours. Hobbies have a way of consuming time.
I then thought that my father would be unjust if he ascribed my neglect to vice, or faultiness on my part; but I am now convinced that he was justified in conceiving that I should not be altogether free from blame. A human being in perfection ought always to preserve a calm and peaceful mind, and never to allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his tranquility. I do not think that the pursuit of knowledge is an exception to this rule. If the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your affections, and to destroy your taste for those simple pleasures in which no alloy can possibly mix, then that study is certainly unlawful, that is to say, not befitting the human mind.
Do not allow these pursuits to weaken your affections in your relationship with your sweetie and your duty to family. The meaning of life can defined in terms of relationships, with the marriage relationship being one of the most important and lasting.
My sweetheart has been very supporting of my career. She understands when I have had to put in lots of overtime and held down the fort when I was traveling and only home every other weekend. However, although she understood the need, it was still difficult to keep the fire burning in our relationship. A relationship requires having the time to discuss the day to day issues as well as working on the romantic aspects. If there is little time for talking, the daily difficulties will dominate the discussion.
Another bit of wisdom: leave work at work. Your sweetheart deserves your full attention. Leave the problems of work at the door. Be focused on what your sweetie saying, not just half listening.
Strive to maintain balance between work, home and other interests.