Last minute ideas for Valentine's

Same-Day Delivery on FTD® Roses from Wal-Mart Yup, you can still get roses delivered.

Don't forget that a love letter is still a great last minute gift. Put it on some nice paper for added impact.

Surprise your sweetie by inviting your sweetheart to a long lunch. It make for a fun and inexpensive way to celebrate.

Most book stores sell "love coupons". They are a great way to let your sweetheart know you care. The coupons include things like "one night off from chores" or "go out to eat, your choice of restaurant". You get the idea.

Of course most stores have valentines candy, flowers and cards. I found some on sale yesterday.

Any other ideas? Go ahead and post them.


Run a bubble bath with candles for your sweetheart to enjoy.

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