Unexpected Opportunity
sky Originally uploaded by muha... . Usually my sweetie and I don't spend any time together in the morning. She gets up to go excercise and I am gone to work before she gets back. She says good bye as she leaves. Its not a problem as neither of us are morning people anyway. However, we had an unexpected opportunity to spend some time together. It was a rare treat for us both. I drive in a carpool but had to drive alone today. I decided to sleep in a little bit since I had to drive myself. My sweetie got up and left as usual. A few minutes later she returned. Her walking partner wasn't able to go with her. "Wanna go for a walk with me?" "It will take me a couple of minutes to get ready." "I'll wait." We ended up walking for quite a while and then eating breakfast together, all because my sweetheart saw an unexpected opportunity and asked me to join her. OK, I had planned on catching up on some sleep. But walking in the cool