
Showing posts from July, 2008

Sweet Deal: Free Slurpee

In honor of 7-eleven day, 7-11 is giving away Free 7.11 oz. slurpees on July 11 . Take your sweetee for a nice cool free treat. Check the website go a store locator.

Five-year itch: new danger point for marriages - Science, News - The Independent

I came across an article on the new "seven year itch" or the point at which many marriages start having problems. According the the article, it is now down to five years. From the article: Five-year itch: new danger point for marriages - Science, News - The Independent : "Scientists have discovered that couples begin to grow fed up with each other after just four years and are at peak risk of divorce just before their fifth anniversary. Researchers in the US, Russia and Scandinavia investigating the longevity of relationships found that the 'honeymoon period' lasts for less than five years, with most divorces likely to happen between five and 10 years into the marriage. If couples get through this patch, then the chances are they'll stay together indefinitely." The article doesn't really give any reasons for these findings, just some speculations that the cost of divorce and maturity might keep couples together. It would be interesting to see the r