
Showing posts from October, 2006

Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples

For some great ideas for hsi and hers Halloween costumes. Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples : "If you are drawing a blank when it comes to Halloween costumes for the two of you as a couple for a Halloween or other costume party, check out these lists of famous and not-so-famous twosomes."

Word is a shadow of a deed

word is a shadow of a deed Originally uploaded by _kasia_ . A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed. Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906, Norwegian dramatist) Deeds seem more sincere than words.

Romantic Bible Verses: Proverbs 18:22

Colored Gems Originally uploaded by Sully Pixel . Proverbs 18:22 22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the L ORD . Two thoughts come to mind when pondering this verse. First, my sweetheart is a gift from God. Such a gift is a treasure to me. After being married for years, it might be easy to become complacent about my wife and our relationship. How much better it is to treat your sweetheart as a precious treasure! Second, how blessed of the Lord I am to have received this gift. I have received much from the hand of the Lord. One of His greatest gifts to me is the wonderful woman whom I call "wife". She has been a "good thing" in my life and I have indeed found favour of the L ORD in her.

Marriage on Television

arroyo TV Originally uploaded by reddirtrose . I had a couple of separate thoughts come together today. The first thought was about the number boys that are growing up in homes without fathers. There are so many single mothers either due to divorce, death, fathers abandoning their families and children concieved out of wedlock. Some sources say that as many as 50% of children will spend at least part of their childhood with only one parent. As wonderful as mothers and women are, boys want and need a male role model to show them how a man acts. When there is not a father to provide this role model, it must come from somewhere else. If that role model is to come from TV, I would be hard pressed to name one that I like. The second thought come from working on getting my book ready for printing. I have been re-reading some my favorite things of what I had posted before. Topics like respect, humor, couresty, faithfulness, undestanding and gratitdue are common. The practice of...

Sweet Deal: Buy one, get one 50% off at Things Remembered

Buy one, get one 50% off at Things Remembered. Things Remembered has an interesting collection of personalized gifts. You are sure to find just the right gift for him or her. The nice thing is that you can then personalize the gift so it means that much more.