No time like the present
In a recent "Dear Abby" article entitled HUSBAND CONSUMED BY REGRET AFTER DEATH OF BELOVED WIFE we are reminded how short and precious life is and how tomorrow may be too late. In a letter to Dear Abby a man writes of his wife passing away I recently lost my wife to a long illness. When she could no longer work, I tried to give her the best quality of life I could. It took a toll. I worked long hours to give her everything she needed. The medical bills were astronomical. All she ever wanted was me. It is common for people to try and provide everything for their loved ones, ignoring the one thing really needed: time. Life being what it is, often the most precious gift you can give is to schedule time for your sweetheart. The writer continues Abby, I would like to remind all the other macho guys out there that TIME is something you only get so much of. It is precious, but unfortunately, limited. I realized, too late, that it's not enough that my wife "knew" I l...