
Showing posts from February, 2008

Some things I learned from my dog

My dog Tess Originally uploaded by m0smith My dog is one of those happy, glad to see you, let's play tug o' war kind of dogs. Whenever there is someone at the door, she runs to see who it is. Sometimes she gets out but she always head home after not too long. She is also a great example of how to make someone feel good. 1 Smile. This dog has a permanent smile. She always seems happy to see everyone. Let people see you smile. 2 Excitement. Whenever I walk in the door she wags her tail and runs around, overcome with happiness. Don't be afraid to take a few moments and let you spouse know you are glad to see them.

The other 364 days a year

Valentine's Day has come and gone. The flowers given, the cards read and the chocolates eaten. Rather than being the end of romance, Valentine's Day can be the seeds that are planted in the garden. If the seeds that were planted on February 14th are tended properly, they will yield a romantic harvest all year long. In a garden, the best results come with a little effort applied regularly. Once the seeds are planted, they need water, fertilizer and sunshine to grow. The weeds need to be removed to give the plants the best possible chance to thrive. If the garden is neglected, it will take a lot of work to get it happy again. A little bit of effort applied regularly results in a better yield neglecting the garden and then trying to get it back in shape in one big effort. Like the garden, a romantic marriage comes with a little bit of effort applied regularly. Keep out the weeds of strife and conflict while nurturing romance with kindness, appreciation and benevolence. B...

Kids tell it like it is

SOME SUREFIRE WAYS TO MAKE A PERSON FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU "Tell them that you own a whole bunch of candy stores." - Del, age 6 "Shake your hips and hope for the best."- Camille, age 9 "Yell out that you love them at the top of your lungs ... and don't worry if their parents are right there." - Manuel, age 8 "Don't do things like have smelly, green sneakers. You might get attention, but attention ain't the same thing as love." - Alonzo, age 9 "One way is to take the girl out to eat. Make sure it's something she likes to eat. French fries usually works for me." - Bart, age 9 HOW CAN YOU TELL IF TWO ADULTS EATING DINNER AT A RESTAURANT ARE IN LOVE? "Just see if the man picks up the check. That's how you can tell if he's in love." - Bobby, age 9 "Lovers will just be staring at each other and their food will get cold ... Other people care more about the food."- Bart, age 9 "Romantic adu...

Valentine's Day gift ideas for 2008

Last year I posted a list of 10 Valentines day gift ideas that were out of the ordinary. This year, I want to continue the same theme. My wife and I were talking about what to get each other for Valentine's Day. Flowers tend to be quite expensive and short lived. Chocolate, while yummy and enjoyable, goes contrary to our efforts to get into better shape. We also have enough knick-knacks and stuffed animals. What we want is either gifts that will not end up being just clutter. It might be a gift that is really used or a non-physical gift. With that in mind and in no particular order some Valentine's Day gift ideas for both him and her. Regifting if you can sneak her wedding ring off her finger, why not re-propose. Let her know you would marry her all over again. Works for the wife to propose as well. Combined resources - rather than spending a bunch of money on trivial, romantic style gifts, combine the money you would have spent and buy something together that you wi...

The Law of the Harvest

Strawberry heart Originally uploaded by Sesselja María .... for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.