
Showing posts from February, 2007

Post Valentine's Day Sweet Deal: Pearl Earings for 25 Cents

Pearl Dreams Originally uploaded by noqontrol . As I mentioned before, after Valentine's Day is a great and unexpected time to get a great deal on some romantic gifts. You can either surprise your sweetie now or keep it until a special occasion. One such deal is an in-store sale going on through the month of February at My Princess Pearls . If you buy a necklace, they will throw in a pair of earrings for 25 cents. It is a socially responsible sweet deal. It is only at the brick and mortal store: My Princess Pearls 380 East Main Street Suite D Lehi, UT 84043 (801) 768-0170 Tell them Matt sent you.

What is the point of Valentine's Day anyway?

Valentine's Day was never the same. Originally uploaded by Walsh . Valentine's Day has come and gone. The flowers are wilted, the chocolate is eaten, the cards are stored and the jewelry is locked safely away. The day of love is passed. "What is the point?" A coworker asked me. We were observing the people, mostly guys, get the traditional Valentine's Day gifts, at mostly inflated prices. Is showing affection a once a year event? Can't we show affection all year long? The answer is yes, your sweetheart needs love, attention, affection and appreciation all year long. None of those things needs to cost money or even a lot of time. A simple card, a smile, a compliment, a small surprise, or just holding hands cost neither time nor money. When making a chain, it is not one large piece of metal, but a lot of little pieces joined together, one at at time that creates a strong and durable chain. Likewise, a single grand act does not forge a last...

IHOP - Free Pancake Day and Mardi Gras

IHOP : "Join IHOP to celebrate National Pancake Day (also known as Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday) on Tuesday, February 20, 2007. From 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., we’ll give you one free short stack (three) of our famous buttermilk pancakes. All we ask is that you consider making a donation to support local children’s hospitals through Children’s Miracle Network, or other local charities."

Be My Valentine

Hot Monkey Love Originally uploaded by Flesh Eating Beagle . Happy Valentine's Day

Last Minute Valentine's Gifts

  Don't Forget. Same Day Delivery Valentine's Day Flowers at Need a special gift? Consider a Spa Finder Gift Certificate, now with Instant Printable Gift Cards!   Vermont Teddy Bear will save your butt this Valentine's Day. Order by 10:00 PM on the 13th for Valentine's Day delivery.

Hot Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for 2007

Yes, Valentine's Day is fast approaching. Finding that perfect gift that fits in the budget can be a challenge. Here are some online gift ideas, many discounted or with special coupon codes. Don't wait until the last minute, again. Need to know how to hint to your husband or wife on what to do for valentine's day? You can show use some of these links for ideas. I also like to keep a wish list over at . Note: This post will be pegged at the top until Valentine's Day 2007. Also, I will add more deals as I become aware of them. Recommended Gifts for the Couple has a few unique gift ideas for Valentine's Day, includung chocolate . Do something different this Valentine's Day - send her a PajamaGram! Make her smile this Valentine's Day. Send her a Vermont Teddy Bear. Valentine's Day Gifts For Her at Valentine Novelties at Oriental Trading Company Remember to use the coupon code RT1XY06 for free shipping on an ord...

Valentine's Day Gift Idea: Top Ten for 2007

Over the last couple of years there have been many great posts with unique Valentine's Day gift ideas. If you are looking for traditional gifts like cards, jewelry , flowers and chocolates there are other places to find that kind of stuff . Top 10 Valentine's Gifts from Things Remembered The following list contains the other gifts, gifts that are unusual, mostly inexpensive and a lot of fun. 10 Valentine's Day Anti-Gift Humor is such an important part of romance. Most Valentine's Day gifts are not designed to make the recipient laugh. That makes an anti-gift that much more effective this time of year 9 Singing Telegram Twice I have surprised my sweetheart with a singing telegram on Valentine's Day. It has been one of the most memorable gifts she has ever received. 8 Write a love letter Instead of store-bought, try hand made. Your sweetheart will love knowing that you took the time and effort to write a love letter. 7 Personalized Kisses Also works with fort...

Out of the mouths of babes

I think I like u.... Originally uploaded by .Storm . Here are a couple of quotes on love I found floating in the internet flotsam. "Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss" Emily - age 8 "Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." Tommy - age 6

On the radio

My wife and I were interviewed for a local radio show, Mornings with Grant and Amanda on KSL . The interview was part of a feature they are doing on Valentine's Day. The interview was a lot of fun. We talked about the gifts you should give and what is not a good idea. It was supposed to be broadcast today from 5 AM to 9 AM. If you heard it, leave a comment, even if I sounded like a doofus.

Romantic quote: Commitment

Commitment Originally uploaded by *Sherry* . When you make a commitment to a relationship, you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship. --Barbara De Angelis American expert on relationship & love, author

The greatest blessing in marriage

It'll Never Die Originally uploaded by ~Madeeha~ . Perhaps the greatest blessing in marriage is that it lasts so long. The years, like the varying interests of each year, combine to buttress and enrich each other. Out of many shared years, one life. In a series of temporary relationships, one misses the ripening, gathering, harvesting joys, the deep hard-won truths of marriage. —Richard C. Cabot

Sweet Deal for Valentine's Day: My Princess Pearls

My wife really likes the pearls she has gotten from My Princess Pearls . The nice thing is that are having a sale for Valentine's Day. Not only that, but the company is setup to benefit the people who need it most. From the site: Dedicated to changing lives by importing handcrafted genuine pearl jewelry from Southeast Asia. Every purchase from My Princess Pearls helps feed, educate, clothe, and create jobs for disadvantaged families in Southeast Asia. Each piece is crafted with genuine pearl jewelry is hand crafted by highly trained women using salt and freshwater pearls from all over the world. The grade A lustrous pearls are available in 7 natural colors: white, black, gray, pink, peach, peacock, bronze and 6 natural shapes: biwa, siapao, round, rice, baroque, and button. The original designs are available in styles perfect for every occasion from infant bracelets to career wear. Click here for our story! The sale includes Single Strand Pearl Chandelier Necklace with Brace...

Sexy Red Or Forever Young: Which Rose Will You Buy For Your Valentine?

Send Valentine's Day Flowers & Save up to 25%! Copyright © 2007 Wesley Berry, AAF Believe it or not, Valentine's Day-the most romantic day of the year-grew out of the imprisonment of a priest in the days of emperor Claudius II. Though it had a rather ominous start, today Valentine's Day is a day when we give gifts of flowers and candy to our loved ones to remind them of how much they mean to us. In the year 270 A.D., Roman emperor Claudius II banned marriage believing that the men of his country would be more likely to join his army if they were unmarried, rather than married men who would be leaving wives and children behind. But, Valentine, a priest in Rome, fervently disagreed with the decree. He continued to perform secret ceremonies to join couples in matrimony. His defiance cost him his life. When the emperor discovered that Valentine was disobeying his law, he ordered Valentine to be imprisoned and sentenced to death. But, during his impris...

Heart within a Heart

Heart within a Heart Originally uploaded by Simian Fan . I just really like the picture and thought to share it. Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. - Jules Renard