
Make a note of it

Throughout the year that special someone in your life will make comments like "oh, I've always wanted one of those", "I just know we could never get that" or "maybe someday ...". You get the idea. This is known as hint dropping. When a hint it dropped, make a note of it. First, get yourself a notepad, or just a page in or day planner or some spot in your PDA. Call it your "hint list". Next, whenever a hint is dropped, log it in the hint list. Then, next time you feel like doing something special, take one of the things off the hint list and make it happen.

Look into my eyes

Hold both of her hands and look into her eyes. Hold her gaze until she starts to wonder what you are up to. At that moment, smile and mouth the words "I love you". Finish it off with a great big bear hug.

Small, sweet surprises

Buy several small candies, the one's she really likes, and hide them in various places so she will find them over the course of a week.

Until the last flower fades

Give you sweetheart a dozen real roses and one silk rose with a note that says "I will love you until the last flower fades".


The acronym S.H.M.I.L.Y. works wonderfully.... See How Much I Love You. Using only the acronym, take turns leaving little reminders. Get creative: Write it on the bathroom mirror with soap, or hide a small piece of paper in a sock or shoe, or use oreos on the back window of his/her car... See if you can do it without being too obvious, and try to make it something they won't notice for a little while. Travis

Valentine's Scavenger Hunt

Send your significant other on a scavenger hunt while you stay home and prepare a candlelight dinner. On Valentine's Day, I gave my husband clue cards of where to go and obtain things that I had left there. He had to go to my sister-in-laws and drop off the children, from there he had to go to my mother-in-laws to pick up chocolate covered strawberries, and then over to my mom's to pick up apple cider disguised as a bottle of wine. During that time I was able to get myself and dinner ready and surprise him when he walked through the door. The great thing about this is that it doesn't cost a lot of money and you get to be alone instead of a crowded restaurant. Thanks Aurelia

Ambush Getaway

Pack a few essentials, Include a bottle of sparkling cider with champagne flutes (Plastic of course), arrange for care of the children, Kidnap your spouse and drive to a hotel for a wonderful weekend getaway. Thanks Doug