
Valentine's Idea: Singing Valentines

Here's a truly romantic way to say I love you to that special someone. A singing valentine delivered by a barbershop quartet from the Saltaires Show Chorus . I had a singing valentine delivered to my sweetie in the hospital one year. It was wonderful and she really enjoyed it. She received many compliments by both the patients and the staff. The Saltaires are local to Utah. If you know of another such group in your area, post the contact info as a comment.

A Quick Thought

A successful marriage isn't finding the Right person; it's about being the Right person.

And the most important trait in a mate is... - Yahoo! News

I saw this quote in the news today: "In the United States and Canada, humor was considered the most important trait by both men and women, getting 63 and 73 percent of the vote respectively." I don't really put much stock into such studies, but when it proves my point, then its ok. When did you and your sweetie laugh together last? Valentine's is a great time to laugh together. Like I told you before, I gave my sweetie a chocolate fish that says "Your a keeper". We still chuckle about it. Fine some way to laugh together often

Valentine's Idea: Personalized Kisses

Gimme a kiss Originally uploaded by oliviermela . Like Fortune Cookies , Hershey's Kisses contain a little message. And like fortune cookies, you can change out the little message for your own, more personal message. While we were engaged, my sweetie gave me a pack of Hershey Kisses that she had personalized. It was so much fun to receive and to read all the fun, thoughtful and goofy things she had written. We kept those little messages for a long time after. The procedure is simple to follow, the trick is to be careful as you go. First, get a bag of kisses and CAREFULLY make a small opening in one end. Extract one kiss and practice opening it so that you can keep the foil nice for rewrapping. Also, keep the kisses paper to use a guide. Now eat that kiss. Second, write on a sheet of paper a bunch of fun, thoughtful, complimentary, goofy little sayings. Each should be the size of the kiss paper you took out of the first kiss. Now cut out each paper but don't let th

Simple act of kindness

Rusty Car in Vermont Originally uploaded by Kerstin Martin . A few years ago, I had a bad day. It was early November and we were all getting excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Then there was an unexpected company meeting and I found myself unemployed in the middle of an economic slump. Then on my way home from what had been my work, my car died on the side of the freeway. There I was, standing beside my car on the side of the road, wondering about my car, and concerned about how I was going to take care of my sweetie and kids when I heard a voice. It startled me because I hadn't even noticed the man stop. There beside me was a perfect stranger. He asked what was wrong and if he could help. Turns out he keeps a full gas can in his car, "just in case". Soon the car was started and I was on my way. I am forever grateful for that small act of kindness. What the stranger does not know is how that small act affected me and my family. That simple ac

Valentine's Idea: Fresh Fruit

I have been looking for a gift that is sweet, but healthy, to give my sweetie for Valentine's Day. Chocolate is easy to do, but is not particularly healthly. This year, consider something unexpected like Fruit Gifts from Hale Groves featuring Florida's Indian River Citrus

Valentine Idea: Candy Heart Image Generator

candyheart Originally uploaded by m0smith . Here is a fun Valentine's idea for your sweetie. You can make your very own candy hearts for your sweetheart. Of course, its just a picture and you can't eat it. Well, I guess you could eat it, but its wouldn't be very sweet.