
Not exactly what I was expecting

I have to admit that even I don't think of Home Depot for Valentine's Day. Yet, there on their front page is a big Valentine's Day banner. I had to click on it. You know what, I was a bit surprised. Did you know that you can order roses from Home Depot? Me neither. But I guess you can. They even throw in a free vase. Who knew? Of course you can get your sweetie that romantic laser level kit. Or maybe the screwdriver. They do have a heart-shaped waffle maker. That would be fun.

Valentine's Gift Idea: Cookies

Ok folks, its down to the wire. I hope you have taken the time to prepare a gift for your, sweetie, be it husband or wife. My sweetheart saw an article on Valentine's Day gift giving. If said that the important thing is not the gift itself, but the apparent thought and time spent of getting the gift. Just getting a bunch of roses on your way home doesn't cut it. But here we are with just a couple of days to go. Can you still get a gift in time for the big day? Of course! It is the Internet after all. Something different might be some cookies . David's Cookies not only ships cookies, but also cookie dough. Then you can spend some time baking cookies.

Cost of Love

I was the Toastmaster at the meeting today and the topic was Cost of Love , in honor of Valentine's Day. One of the members, who has been married for 35 years, shared this thought: The cost of love, I believe, is the effort you must make to be physically, verbally and mentally attractive to your partner. You can't just let yourself go, figuring it does matter if you look like a slob on the weekends, if you don't talk to him or her other than to nag or run him or her down, or if you don't take the time to develop common interests. The cost is not money, as in time and effort to maintain the relationship. Think about the time, money and effort single people spend in preparing for dates. It is natural to want to be as attractive as possible in order to impress a potential mate. After marriage, that seems to disappear. Take the time to impress your companion.

Date Idea: Sharing a sundae

berry sundae Originally uploaded by peggy. . Remember when you were a kid and your parents were trying to teach you to share? Or trying to teach your own children to share? Sharing an important aspect of human relations, especially romantic ones. One of the most romantic things to share is food. One of the most romantic moments Lady and the Tramp is when they are sharing some noodles. Each is eating at one end of the noodle until they middle in the middle for a kiss. When was the last time you share a sundae? For some reason the ice cream and yummy toppings are just right for sharing. For an inexpensive and fun date, go to the ice cream parlor and order one sundae and two spoons.

Valentine's Idea: Vermont Teddy Bear

See over 100 Valentine's Day bears perfect for Valentine's Day. Another great out of the box type idea.

Valentine's Idea: Flowers

I know, I know. There is nothing unique about giving flowers for Valentine's Day. Its is most standard, in the box gift to give. Floral arrangements cost a lot of money and die after a few days. The cost problem is even more pronounced at this time of year. However, you can add a twist to the whole flower giving clique. It is possible to give flowers and be non-boring as well. You can even save a few bucks in the process. First, consider giving some different arrangements . Add something to the flowers, like chocolate covered strawberries. Maybe include the flowers in a scavenger hunt. Deliver the flowers to your sweetheart's place of work. Use the flowers as dressing on the "real gift", such as a love letter. Now cost. My sweetheart mentioned that Costco has 25 long stems with a vase for under $50.00. Shop around and look at non-traditional source like warehouse places. Also on the Internet you can get some discounts.

Valentine's Idea: Write a Love Letter

{woman} love.letter.project #3 Originally uploaded by Haruka . When was the last time you wrote your sweetheart a love letter? My sweetie mentioned that receiving a love letter would be a great Valentine's Day surprise. I say I must agree with her. Writing a love letter can be a wonderful excerise that moves the writer out of the ordinary rut. Not sure how to write a love letter? Not to fret, here are some great ideas to get you started, followed by places you can find even more information on the subject. Isn't the Internet wonderful? When stealing, steal from the best. Use freely from the bard , the lyrics to romantic love songs and poems. Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love. Hand written on specialty paper is nice. If your hand writing is not all that romance inspiring, consider having a professional calligrapher writing your thoughts for you. Include compliments on all aspects of your swe

Valentine's Idea: Singing Valentines

Here's a truly romantic way to say I love you to that special someone. A singing valentine delivered by a barbershop quartet from the Saltaires Show Chorus . I had a singing valentine delivered to my sweetie in the hospital one year. It was wonderful and she really enjoyed it. She received many compliments by both the patients and the staff. The Saltaires are local to Utah. If you know of another such group in your area, post the contact info as a comment.

A Quick Thought

A successful marriage isn't finding the Right person; it's about being the Right person.

And the most important trait in a mate is... - Yahoo! News

I saw this quote in the news today: "In the United States and Canada, humor was considered the most important trait by both men and women, getting 63 and 73 percent of the vote respectively." I don't really put much stock into such studies, but when it proves my point, then its ok. When did you and your sweetie laugh together last? Valentine's is a great time to laugh together. Like I told you before, I gave my sweetie a chocolate fish that says "Your a keeper". We still chuckle about it. Fine some way to laugh together often