
Sweet Deal: Free Doughnuts

June 1, 2007 is National Doughnut Day according to Krispy Kreme . In honor of this great occassion, they are giving out free doughnuts at participiating locations. Check with a location near you to see if they are participating.

Date Idea: Air Hockey

Airhockey Originally uploaded by はたけカカシ_photography . The best dates are often the "active" kind. The kind of date where you get out and do something. If it is something you rarely do, even better. Get out, laugh, be active and have a good time. Need an idea? How about air hockey? It is fun and inexpensive. What if you don't have an air hockey table? No problem. They can be found in lots of places. A local Walmart has one. Maybe a bowling alley or a video arcade.


Love* shapes... Originally uploaded by MR+G . Every other day my youngest and I go out and weed the yard. There are 5 flower beds and the garden. We are also training the raspberries to grow straight so we check them to see if they need to be tied up. If we are lucky we catch the little snake that lives in the yard and play with it for a few minutes. Weeding is a chore I used to hate. I would put it off and it would be an all day job or it just wouldn't get done. The kids dreaded it as well. It just seemed impossible to keep up on all the weeding that needed to be done. What changed? We re-did one of our flowerbeds that was completely overrun. It ended up looking so nice, but then the weeds started coming back. Stupid weeds. We pulled the little weeds and the flowers looked so nice and so happy. Thing was, it took so much less time when the weeds are small than when they get bigger and have a chance to get intertwined with the flowers. Pulling the weeds consist

Love on a postcard

i love you (some more) Originally uploaded by niznoz . I was out of town a couple of weeks ago and my sweetie and a couple of the rug rats were left home. We have made it a tradition for me to send postcards home when I am away. It is fun to find postcards of the things I have been seeing and share that with the family back home. Three postcards were purchased, addressed, stamped and sent at the same time. All were dropped into the same mailbox. You would therefore expect that the postcards would arrive home at the same time. You would be mistaken. The first arrived 3 days later. The second arrived the following day and the third two days after that. I wonder if the post office workers do that on purpose just to have a bit of fun. I tell you that story to bring out the point: Let your sweetie know you are thinking about them even when you are not together. It is a very simple and effective way of bringing romance into a relationship. Some simple ideas: * Send yo

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day is a great opportunity to spoil your sweetie. Try and think of something she would really enjoy. How about a note or even a video with the kids expressing their love and appreciation for all she does? For some other out of the ordinary gifts consider: Give her what she really wants this Mother's Day. Send her the gift of relaxation - a PajamaGram. Personalized Gifts for Mom Mother's Day Top 10 from Things Remembered Day Spa Gift Certificate Offer

Phone Flirting

Fergus to Phone scale Originally uploaded by belliebottom . Consider body language. As humans, we think that most communication happens from mouth to ear. One speaks and the other listens. Reality is so much different. A lot of communication happens outside the spoken word. Through facial expressions, posture and position a lot is communicated. Am I bored, excited or interested? All of these are instantly communicated through body language. Which makes conversing on the phone or the cell phone that much more difficult. There are currently some cell phone commercials that illustrate the point nicely. An employee is talking to the boss when all of a sudden the phone goes silent. Then the employee is left wondering: did I say something wrong? am I in trouble? Of course, in the commercial, the call was dropped. During a phone call you can't see how the person is reacting, making it more difficult to truly communicate. Fours steps can be applied to any conversation an

The Hope of Easter

Light more than Passion Originally uploaded by Princeps autem justus . In John 11:25 we read: 25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: All of us have had love ones pass away. Death is an integral part of this mortal existence. When friends and family pass to the other side, we here left behind feel the void left in our own lives. Easter reminds us that death is not permanent. That through the resurrection of Christ, all shall be made alive. This time of year then becomes a time of hope. To know that, though we are parted, we shall be reunited in the hereafter.