
Being supportive

In an article Be a Supportive Spouse there is a list of ways to show support for your spouse including: Respect your spouse's personal decisions. Don't be threatened by your spouse's accomplishments. Tell people, especially your partner, how proud you are of his/her talents and skills.  There are a lot of other ideas on being supportive of each other.  Having someone to celebrate with is just as important as having a shoulder to cry on.  

I do not love shopping, I love my wife.

I was speaking with a couple the other day and the wife mentioned how much her husband liked to shop with her. The husband then gave us the thought for the day, "I do not love shopping, I love my wife."   He then went on to talk about how much he loved and appreciated the woman who is both his wife and the mother of his children.  All couples have interests they share, it is what brings us together in the first place.  It is also true that our spouses have interests we do not share.  The question is:  do we support, respect and encourage these healthy interests of our sweetheart?  Or do we make our spouse choice between spending time with us or doing the things they love? My friend went beyond just tolerating his wife's interest and instead choose to make time spent shopping as time they could both enjoy.  Move beyond the bored waiting around to an active participation.  Another example is a husband who loves sports.  A wife could see that as time wasted or as time t

Flritinator is up and running

In conjunction with the blog and the book , is now the Flirtinator ! An easy to use tool that generates ideas for flirting with your spouse.

Showing gratitude

I have a folder at work where I keep all the thank you notes and other expressions of gratitude that people give me.  I have to be honest, it isn't a large folder, not because my work is not appreciated but because people express appreciation verbally.  On those rare instances when someone takes the time to write it, it really means than much more. Your task for today is to write a thanks you note to your spouse.  Rather than keep it generic,be sure to include at least 3 specific things about them.  For extra bonus, put it in a thanks you card and send it in the mail.

Flirtinator Preview

A first look at the Flirtinator is available.  What is the Flirtinator? In everyday life its important to take a moment to keep the romance kindled. How can a husband and a wife keep the romance alive? The Flirtinator can help answer that question. The Flirtinator is an idea generator of fun things to do either for your sweetheart or as a couple.  As always, everything is family friendly. If you have comments or suggestions for improvements, add them to the comments below.

Another Valentine's Day Freebie

Free Printable Book of Love Coupons has free DIY Valentine's Day coupons.  Think of them as a gift that keeps on giving. 

Valentine's Day Freebie: Recipe Book from Amazon (for Prime Members)

Valentine's Day Desserts - Simply Sweet Valentine's Day Dessert Recipes Cook up a new favorite today!