
A Travel Reminder

Do your sweetie really like your cologne or perfume ? Did you know that the sense of smell is strongly associated with memories? Sometimes I am walking down the street and out of the blue a certain smell will trigger some long forgotten memories and their associated emotions. It is a very powerful trigger. If you are traveling without your sweetheart, take along your cologne or perfume. Send a love letter and put a few drops on the papers. Be sure to include SWAK on the outside of the envelope. The familiar fragrance will be a nice surprise. If your sweetie is traveling without you, sneak a small hankie or stuffed animal into your sweetheart's luggage. Put a few drops of perfume or cologne on it. Make sure it is sealed in a baggie or something so their entire luggage doesn't smell. It will make a nice surprise when they are missing you.

Father's Day Breakfast

My sweetie and I don't see much of each other in the mornings. On the weekdays she gets up and goes for a walk. By the time she gets back, I have already left for work. To top it off, neither of us are morning people so even if we do see each other first thing in the morning, its not all that romantic. Just a grunt good morning. Although she would like to make my breaks fast, it just isn't possible and I am perfectly capable of feeding myself. Sundays are even worse. My responsibilities at church require me to be there by 6:30 am, while my wife doesn't even need to get up until I have been gone for a couple of hours. I do not begrudge her this extra sleep as she gets to wrangle the kids and get them ready for church. She deserves some extra rest. Again, I end up getting my own breakfast. On Father's Day my wife made me a very special breakfast. The food itself was standard breakfast fare. What made it special is that she got up at 5:45 am to get it ready for m


When you were courting and dating, you probably had some dates you still remember fondly. It may have been the night he proposed, or maybe she proposed. Maybe it was some other special time that was really meaningful in your relationship. Whatever it is, it will be unique to the two of you. Two couples can do the same thing, yet have very different experiences. Pick one special date from you own time courting. Now that you have one in mind, re-do that date. For example, if it was when he popped the question, go back to the same place and do the same things, except popping the question as it is a one time only thing. By being in the same environment you will be surprised at how much more you remember about that special date. If you have kids, take them along. Let them see how their goofy parents used to date and what you did for fun. Lots of things change, but people are still people. It will give your kids a positive example of what healthy dating should be.

Flag Day

Happy Flag Day! An essential part of keeping the fire going in a relationship is to see yourself as part of a larger whole. The notion of "what's in it for me" gives way to "what can I do for the marriage" and then "what's in it for us". The marriage should be fulfilling to both parties. We are all also part of a greater community, state and country. By flying the flag and taking a moment to ponder all the people who have worked and suffered and died, you can feel part of the greater whole. Look outside your own perspective.

Getting Away From It All

Every now and again, my sweetie and I like to get away. Out most recent getaway was at home. The kids went to stay with grandma an grandpa for a few days.

Getting Dressed Up

I used to work at a job that required a lot of travel. I would be gone 2 weeks at a time and come home on Friday. Then on Monday was the flight out again. On occasion I had to be gone even longer than two weeks. Spending that much time apart can be very trying on the marriage and on the kids, as you can imagine. My sweetie is a real trooper and supported me in all this traveling, even when it was so hard for her to effectively be a single parent. For some reason women quit wearing makeup after being married for a while. The husbands don't seem to mind all that much. After all, you married your gal, not Mary Kay or Revlon. Makeup becomes a special occasion thing. The wife uses it when she wants to look extra nice or for that special evening out on the town. Once, when I had been on the road for quite a while, we had planned to go out and spend the evening with some people the even I got home. She greeted me in the usual way. That evening, my sweetie spent quite a bit of time gettin

Sending Secret Messages

It has been said That which costs little is less valued. --- Miguel de Cervantes That is that people tend to undervalue things that cost them little. The cost of a thing may be in money, yet this is not the only way that cost is calculated. Time and effort are also used to deteremine cost and are often considered more pecious than money. The correllary is that a higher cost brings a higher value. Something that cost a lot of money, or took a lot of time and effort, is held with higher regard. Saying "thank you" or even writing "I love you" can be easily dismissed. Its not the sentiment is not sincere, but that the message costs little in the sending and in the receiving. If the cost of sending the message and the cost of receiving the message are increased, the message itself will be more valued. The cost here is not in money, but in time and effort. A previous post discussed coded messages . By using a secret code, you can send a message that will have a higher

Father's Day Shopping

This year Father's Day and my birthday fall within a few weeks of each other. I guess they always do, funny how that works out. Anyway, my sweetie has started asking "what do you want for Father's Day and your birthday?" My standard answer has been either "nothing" or "I've already got what I want" and give her a big kiss. The real problem has been that I never remember what it is I want. So this year I have been keeping notes. There are a couple of ways of keeping notes . On a piece of paper. Old fashioned, but it still works. When you think of something you want, just find your paper and write it down. In a PDA. This is a bit more convienent if you already have one you carry with you. Camera phone. When you see something you like, email yourself a picture of it and keep it in a special folder or ... Use Amazon's Wish List . I like this one because then I can easily share it with anyone. When people ask what you want,

Date Idea: 2-for-1 Dating

A few days ago a posted a date idea that I wish to enhance today. The idea was to make a bunch of date ideas and to put them in a jar. Then, when it was time to go on a date, pick one of the ideas at random and do that thing. If you are like us, you get coupons in the mail, in the newspaper and even on the receipt at the grocery store. You can even buy a book of discount coupons or a coupon card from the kids in the neighborhood as part of a fund raiser. The problem we have is that we don't usually get the value out of it because we forget about over the course of a year. Here is an idea of what you can do. When you get coupons go through them and add the ones you are interested in into the date idea jar. Then, when you draw out the coupon, not only will you have a good date idea, you will get a discount at it as well.

Memorial Day

Many people have sacrificed much, even their lives, for us. Many are in harms way today doing the same. Today, we take a moment to look outside our own relationship and remember and honor those who have defended us and who are now defending us. Our prayers are with you all.

Complementing Each Other

In My Fair Lady, Professor Henry Higgins wonders, "Why can't a woman be more like a man"? I don't think he is the only man to ask that question. Neither is it just a guy thing, woman wonder why men aren't more like them as well. After all, we like to be with people like us. Today we are going talk about complementing your sweetie, not complimenting . The dictionary says that complement means: Either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually complete each other. Think of it as two puzzle pieces that fit together. The pieces are not the same shape, yet together they form a complete picture. The same thing applies with married couples. Consider the following: In His grand design, when God first created man, He created a duality of the sexes. The ennobling expression of that duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. --- Gordon B. Hinckley He then goes on to quote in 1 Corinthians how neither the man is without the woman and

Sharing your Ancestors

Memorial Day is coming up, at least in the U.S. We make it a point to visit graves of both my family and that of my sweetie. I have taken to talking pictures of the headstones, but I am into genealogy that way. One fun part of genealogy is meeting distant relatives over the internet. This year, as you visit the cemetery, take your digital camera along. Take nice pictures of the headstones. When you get back home, go to Find A Grave and add your ancestors and those of your sweetheart. They allow you to include pictures so you can upload those pictures you took. It is a great way to honor and remember. If anyone is in Idaho Falls and can make it to the Rose Hill Cemetery and take pictures of Thomas, Beam and Nutini (if there are any) gravestone markers, I would appreciate it. I have a bunch of family there, but don't make it up there.

Date Idea: The Newlywed Game for Two

Ever see a game show called "The Newlywed Game"? The premise of the show was to get newlywed couples on the show and to see how well they really know each other. First all the husbands were taken off stage. The wives were then asked fill in the blank type questions. Next, the husbands are brought back in and asked the same questions. Points are awarded if both husband and wife answer in the same way. Then the wives go off stage and the process repeats. Modifying the game somewhat, here is an idea for a bunch of date nights . Get two jars, one for restaurants and one for activities. On a slip of paper write the name of a restaurant where you like to eat. Make sure it is in your price range for a regular date. Put the slip of paper in the jar. Repeat as many times as you can think of places you like to eat. It would be good to set a dollar limit before hand so you don't end up putting in restaurants that you can't afford except on special occasions. Have your sweetie do

Coded Messages

People have used coded messages to send information for a long time. Messages can be coded for a couple of reasons. Sometimes the message is coded to prevent other people from reading the message. Even the Romans used to use secret codes to send messages so the enemy would not be able to understand the message were they to capture the messenger. One code they used to use was to take a long strip of paper and wrap it around a stick, barber-shop style. Now write the message down the stick. Fill in the rest of the paper with random letters. Now take the paper off the stick. If you try and read it, the message looks like a meaningless jumble of letters. To read the message, just wrap it around the stick again. Another reason for sending coded messages is for speed. The general might order part of his troops to wait until they see the smoke from a bonfire, then attack. The meaning of the message is decided upon beforehand. Then a very simple thing, like lighting a fire or waving a flag, ca

Anticipating Star Wars

I was reading in the paper about some of the people camped out for a week in line to see the latest Star Wars. Its been wet here lately so that have had to camp out in the rain. There were even some families there, with all the kids. When asked why they were doing it, they responded that this is the last time, the end of an era. It was something the family would remember for a long time. Although Star Wars may not be your thing, do something to make some memories. Family vacations or the romantic getaway are good memory makers. Sitting in line for Star Wars and meeting new people in the process also seems to work. There are lots of other opportunities to make lasting memories. Most community and charitable organizations need volunteers. Even if you can't sing or act, the local theater could use stage crew help. Maybe take a class together. The city is registering for their summer program. Maybe a dance class or a dutch-oven cooking class together.

Does this make me look fat? Part II.

Previously, how to answer the dreaded question " Does this make me look fat ?" was discussed. Today we continue with a broader discussion of the question. Why do people ask these sorts of questions, knowing full well that any answer is the wrong answer? First, this is not just a girl thing. Guys ask these same sorts of questions as well. I find myself asking my sweetie, "Hey sweetie, what do you think of this thing I did"? The last thing I really want is for her to tell me what she thinks. Just as the last thing she really wants to hear from me is if she is fat. What both we really want is assurance. For some reason the asker has a feeling of self-doubt and needs to be assured. Consider the situation where a woman is going to a 10 year high school reunion. There will be people there she has not seen in a lot of years and she wants to make a good impression. She is worried about how she looks, what her classmates will think of her and she wants to look her best. This

Bragging Rights

In the movie, Johnny Lingo , Johnny tells that when the women gather and talk, they discuss about how many cows their husband bargained for them. The one whose husband saw fit to give her father the most cows had the bragging rights. In real life, people like to play this same game of one-upsmanship. We all like to stand out and we all like to have a story to tell. There is something about human nature and group dynamics that makes us want to be part of the group and stand out in the crowd at the same time. Here's an example. I have noticed that when my sweetie gets together with other women the talk will sometimes turn to wedding rings, especially if there is a newly engaged girl in the group. Each woman will have some story to tell that makes their ring unique. One diamond is so big. Another has a special cut to it. The crown on this ring is made of stronger stuff. My sweetheart's stone isn't the biggest, but she got to design the ring and have it custom built by a friend

To Teach, To Learn

I received feedback about one couple who had enjoyed time working on the car together. Every person has things they are good at and are knowledge about. Likewise, every person has things they do not understand and really do not do very well. There is something about teaching that makes one feel good. Its fun to watch as another person learns and grows. Learning is just as fun. Finding out you really can do what you thought you could not do or were even afraid to try. Both the teacher and the student grow from the experience. Think about yourself and your sweetie. What are some things that your sweetie could teach you? Schedule a date and ask your sweetie to help you learn. Simple auto maintenance Cooking your favorite meal Chess Golf A note on being teachable. As adults we are used to being able to do stuff well. It can be a really ego-struggle to admit that there are some things we are not good at and allow ourselves to be taught. You need to leave your ego at the door a

Date Idea: Go Fly a Kite

It is so nice to be able to get out and enjoy this time of year. What better way, weather permitting, to enjoy a nice day then to get a kite up? Its fun but not that difficult. Rather than buying a kite, consider building your own , they aren't that hard.

Friday the Baker's Dozen-eth

Here it is again, Friday the 13th, namesake of a lot of really bad movies. Maybe that is why the day is considered unlucky because it makes you think of awful cinema. I'm sure there are other reasons for the Friday the 13th superstition that you could find if you just looked in different places . Unless your sweetie suffers from triskaidekaphobia , the day makes a good time for a surprise gift for your sweetheart. A while ago it was suggested : Give your sweetheart a dozen real roses and one silk rose with a note that says "I will love you until the last flower fades". For whatever reason, we like to think in terms of "a dozen". Many things come in dozens likes eggs, donuts, and flowers. Today's tip is to turn the common place dozen into a special dozen plus one, a baker's dozen if you will. The trick is to make the "plus one" stand out as a surprise as in the above idea. The note focuses the attention on the one flower that will last foreve

Whistle While You Work

Do you like doing chores? Do you enjoy going to work? Do you look forward to all those things you hate to do? Whether you like it or not, there are certain things you have to do that you do not like to do. It might be dishes, laundry, yard work or just work work. A previous post discussed having passion for some things in your life. Today, we are not talking about those things, but the things we don't really want to do. As parents and spouse, there are some things that just have to be done. We, as the responsible adults, are responsible to make sure they happen. What is our attitude about these chores? Do we gripe about chores? Do we complain about work? Do we find ways to put it off, so we can complain and gripe about it more? Do we spend more time complaining than it would take to do the chore? What has this to do with romance and flirting? Chores and work are about as far from romance and flirting as you can get. The answer is enthusiasm. There is something about an e


We like to play different board and card games. Its a great way to pass some family time or even just the two of you. The downside to most games is that they are competitive. That is, if one of you wins, the other must lose. There is nothing wrong with that really. Life is just like that. As fun as being competitive is, its often more enjoyable and more rewarding to work together. That is where Hoopla comes it. Rather than competing against each other, all the players make a single team trying to complete a number of given tasks in a certain amount of time. The game consists of a bunch of cards with something on them. There is also a die with colors instead of numbers. Also included is a wind up timer. On your turn you roll the dice. The task is determined by the color that shows. Each task consists on getting the other members of your team to guess what is on your card. The color determines how you give the clues. One color means to draw it, another means to act it out

Date Idea: Visit an Art Museum or Gallery

I went on a business trip to get some training in Chicago. Unfortunately, my sweetie was not able to come so I had to spend my evenings alone in a strange city. One of my friends had told me about the Art Institute of Chicago , so I decided to go see it one evening. I found out that on Tuesday admission is free thanks to the generous support of Ford Motor Company. What a great evening I spent there. From the Art of Flight exhibit to the ancient armor and the paintings. It was a really enjoyable time. I just wish my sweetie could have shared it with me. Of course not everyone lives in Chicago, I know I don't. But most places have art galleries and museums. Colleges and universities often have art displays and even some traveling exhibits. Even one of the malls here in town had a traveling Titanic exhibit here for a while. Another bonus is that you can often get in free or very cheap.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, they say, is a made up holiday. Just an excuse for the flower companies and greeting card companies to make money during an off season of the year. Well, we here Ferocious Flirting feel that made up holidays are just fine. Particularly holidays dedicated to how much we love and appreciate our sweethearts. My mother is not perfect, although just about. She was the perfectest mother I ever had. She protected me, even when I didn't think I needed protection. She tried to guide my chosen career in life, but for the life of me I can't figure out why she wanted me to be a physicist. Maybe I'll ask her later today. However, she did not stand in the way of me becoming a professional geek ( software engineer). Mother tried to make sure I married the "right" girl and when I found my own right girl to marry, she loved her too. My wife is perfect for me. As I watch her sacrifice herself for her children, I finally understand what my own mother sacrificed f

Last Mother's Day Gift Idea

Twas the day before Mother's day and all through the land, sons and daughters were searching the land for a gift that was best of large or small for a woman who is the grandest of all One of my sweetie's favorite pieces of jewelry is a mother's necklace. It is a simple chain with a small ring with a birthstone, one for each of the kids. Many woman have either a ring or a necklace already. If you sweetie already has a mother's ring or chain, consider giving her charms soldered together to represent your marriage. It was not overly expensive but it is meaningful and unique. My sweetheart wears hers all the time. Its probably too late to order from Lifetime Mothers, a leading on-line retailer of mothers rings, bracelets, charm, and necklaces. but they still have some good ideas for another time.

Recorded Message

As discussed previously, a personalized message means so much more than just saying it. Hand written notes mean more than email. Why? Its the difference between a work of art and a product off the assembly line. The work of art is one of a kind. It is unique and there will never be another one like it. Same with your hand written note. Same with your sweetie. My sweetheart and I came across some audio tapes we had. One I had recorded and one was sent to my sweetie. The family had so much fun listening to them. It had been a lot of years and we had forgotten what was even on them. Why not make an audio tape or CD for your sweetie? Rather than trying to sit down and recording a whole hour, record it in little sound bites over 2 or 3 weeks. Include on it funny things that have happened, things your sweetie has done that you appreciated , little things you are planning on doing , and how much you love your sweetheart . Once it is done, wrap it up and give it to your sweetie.

Cinco de Mayo

A friend of mine has dual citizenship in the U.S. and in Canada. This lucky dog gets to celebrate twice as many holidays as I do. He has 2 Thanksgiving feasts, although it takes me about a year to recover from just the one. The Canadians also have extra holidays like Boxing Day, Easter Monday and Canada Day. Just because my friend celebrates the Canadian holidays, does that make him a poor citizen of the United States of America? No, of course not. Especially when I get to celebrate with him. Looking south instead of north today we see that it is the Cinco de Mayo, which is a big celebration in Mexican history. Some facts about Cinco de Mayo : It is NOT Mexican independence day. It is actually September 16. It celebrates the defeat of a larger, better equipped French army by a smaller army of Mexicans in the state of Puebla. During the American Civil War, Napoleon tried to invade Mexico and add it to his empire. The US helped out the Mexicans, once the Civil War was over.

Support our Troops

Whether you support the war in Iraq or not, the soldiers serving deserve our support. Most of us have a neighbor, friend or relative serving overseas. Why not spend some time together doing something for those soldiers.? See Any Soldier for ideas of what to send. They also can help if you want to send a package but don't know any soldiers.

Johnny Lingo's Eight Cow Wife

There is a story of Johnny Lingo which you can read and has been made into a short film . The story is one of a Polynesian trader who goes bargaining for a wife. No one can understand when he offers the unheard of sum of eight cows for a girl that most consider not worth even two cows. Johnny, it turns out, is a good trader after all. People live up to or down to others expectations of them. Tell a kid they are stupid and they will believe it for the rest of their life. Treat a kid as if they are intelligent and they perform better in school. As quoted in ERIC Digest 116 July 1997 on Expectations for Students: Students tend to internalize the beliefs teachers have about their ability. Generally, they "rise or fall to the level of expectation of their teachers.... When teachers believe in students, students believe in themselves. When those you respect think you can, you think you can" (James Raffini 1993). Living to expectation applies not just to students, but to your swe

Paying Compliments

Many people do not know how to take a sincere compliment. Part of the problem may be that people do not receive compliments often enough to have practice gracefully accept them. Also, since they are rare, we wonder what it is the person wants from us. Is this really a compliment or am I just being buttered up? People also fear that accepting a compliment appears arrogant. What do people do when they receive a compliment. A common response is to put yourself down. Consider the this common exchange: You have a wonderful singing voice. I was off key. What follows is that the giver of the compliment feels the need to reinforce the compliment while the receiver feels the need to continue to put themselves down with each compliment so as to appear modest. The net result can be that both parties feel poorly with the exchange. How to receive a compliment. Simply say Thank you, that was very kind of you to say. Notice how the receiver does not appear immodest because they are thanking them fo

Gift Cards

My sweetie loves to shop, but doesn't often go shopping for herself. With what kids need, car and home repairs, medical bills and so forth, there isn't a lot of money to go shopping with and she often feels guilty if she spends anything on herself. Even if I give her cash for birthday or Mother's Day , she will often spend it on something the kids need or want. One thing that works are gift cards from a store where she likes to shop. Sometimes gift cards feel impersonal. They seem to say "I don't really know you well enough to choose a gift you would like." For that reason I try to avoid giving gift cards to people. But in the case of my sweetheart, it works out well. First, I spent the money so she doesn't have to feel guilty about it. Second, since it can only be used at a place she likes to go, she can't spend it on the kids. Third, she likes me to accompany her when she shops so it makes a nice date night for her. Lastly, it lets her know I am pa

Eight Gifts That Don't Cost a Cent

I usually refrain from posting other people's words. However, today, is a rare exception. I found the following floating around the Internet and it is worth sharing exactly as it is. Thanks to Anonymous who wrote it: The Gift of Listening But you must really listen. Don't interrupt, don't daydream, don't plan your response. Just listen. The Gift of Affection Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends. The Gift of Laughter Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you." The Gift of Solitude There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others. The Gift of a Favor Everyday, go out of your way to do something kind. The Gift of a Written Note It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, hand

Double Date

Remember when you used to "double date" in school? Once we did a double-quintuplet date (10 couples al together) while dating in high school. We had fun, even when all the girls went to the powder room together. While generally not as "romantic", a double date can still be a lot of fun. One idea is to go to a baseball game together. Baseball tickets are still reasonably priced. Enjoy cheering for the home team and stop for ice cream on the way home.

Peppermint for the Tootsies

A couple of previous posts, How About a Foot Rub and Sweetie Appreciation Week talked about how wonderful it can be to get a foot rub. My sweetheart is particularly fond of them. One way to improve a foot rub is to use peppermint foot lotion . It feels great and soothing without making your sweetie's feet cold. Tip: When applying lotion, put some on your hands and rub them together. This will warm up both the lotion and your hands, making the foot rub them much more enjoyable.

Sweet Deal: Free Slice of Ice-Cream Cake

On April 25th from 5:00 - 8:00pm , guests will be treated to a slice of Make-A-Wish Cake. In exchange for the free cake slice, customers are encouraged to make donations to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. One slice per customer, of course. See the Cold Stone Creamery web-site for more details. We went last year. Its yummy and for a good cause.

Sweetie Appreciation Week

Declare some week to be Sweetie Appreciation Week. Mark it on your calendar a couple of weeks in the future so that the anticipation can build. Then, each day during the week, do something to show that you appreciate your sweetheart. Mine would look like: Monday: Footrub Tuesday: A note of appreciation Wednesday: Her favorite treat Thursday: 1 hour of "sweetie" time Friday: Her favorite meal and video Also send a card romantic card in the mail on Monday so your sweetie will get it at some random time during the week.

Sweet Deal: Code 82M at

Mother's Day is approaching. Here is a sweet deal for giving flowers and other gifts to your mother and to your sweetie. They can even handle last-minute orders, if you choose to put it off. Don't put it off too long though. The deal is a coupon code for 15% off your order. Save 15% on Mother's Day Flowers & Gifts at Use code 82M at checkout

Family Vacation

We had a family vacation this past week, which explains why the posts were so few and far between. I will be posting details on my Random Notes blog. Now back to the regular tips.

Look for a Shooting Star

The Lyrid Meteor Shower is in full swing. Find a blanket to share and go catch a shooting star.

Be an All-Pro Dad

Men, romance, in part, comes from being attracted to each other. Did you know that one thing women find attractive is confidence? Its true. If you are confidence in yourself and your abilities, that confidence will make your sweetie less stressed. Less stress means she is feeling better about herself and your relationship. One way to build confidence in ones abilities is to improve those abilities. How can you improve in your roles as husband and father? At All-ProDad they have a mailing list with advice to fathers. The advice runs the whole gambit. Some of it is useful and some less so. On the whole, its great way to add some tools and advice to your fathering toolbox.

Sweet Deal: Mother Day's Gift Idea

Mother's Day is coming up. For a unique gift she will appreciate, try Shutterfly, where you can Get 15 FREE prints PLUS get 20% off your order at Shutterfly! . You can get a greeting card, calendar, notecard, apron, tote bag, mug, mouse pad and other stuff all with your own picture on them. Shutterfly also allows you to share your photos on-line, if you want. Best of all, they are having 15% or maybe 20% discount.

Fixed Patterns

All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns. Bruce Lee As you probably know, Bruce Lee was a martial arts expert as well as a movie star. He even created his own form of martial arts. In martial arts, patterns are fixed routines, similar to a choreographed dance routine. A pattern consists of a set of movements and are an important part of the study of martial arts. Part of receiving an advancement to the next belt rank involves mastery of a new pattern. Bruce Lee recognized that, while patterns are important, they are only a tool. It would be foolish to expect to follow a pattern in a sparring match or a real fight and expect to win. Facing an opponent requires moving outside the pattern and reacting to the reality of the situation. A marriage relationship has set patterns as well. Get up, go to work, come home, yard work, kids' homework, etc etc etc. Yet, as Bruce Lee noted, the truth is outside these patt

A Quiet Date

Have a quiet date. The point is to be able to talk and enjoy each other's company without the pressure of being somewhere or doing something. Examples: * Talk a walk in the park * Go and watch a little league baseball game. * Take the dog for a walk. Enjoy the simple pleasure of time spend with a good friend.

Does this make me look fat?

Guys, Has this ever happened to you? You are getting ready to go to a social engagement. You're all ready, the wife is looking good and putting the finishing touches on. Then, out of the blue, it happens: Does this make me look fat? The novice husband will answer either yes or no. Sounds like a "yes or no" type question, so it makes sense to answer with one of those. The novice husband then gains experience, but is left wondering why she is upset. The more experienced husband realizes that neither yes nor no is the correct answer, but wonders what it might be. A primordial grunt usually suffices to keep one out of hot water. In a later posting, we'll revisit this subject on why yes and no are both wrong. Ok, what is the answer to the question? The answer is to not answer the question. Let me explain. When your sweetie asks "Does this make me look fat?" or some other such loaded question, use a bit of redirection. Stop, look her up and down. Tell h

Getting Messy

Ever notice how much fun kids have getting messy? They are attracted to puddles and mud like moths to a flame. Today, let out that inner kid out. Go for a walk in the rain, splash and laugh. Maybe have a whipping cream fight or make a cake with plenty of sugar and chocolate.

Date Idea: Progressive Dinner

The other night we had a great time. We participated in a "progressive dinner". Pick one place for an appetizer, another for the main entre and another for dessert. For a little more fun, choose places you have never been before.

Watch a Solar Eclipse

If you are lucky enough to be able to observe the solar eclipse on April 8, 2005 , make it a point to do so together. There is something in the quiet power implied by an eclipse that makes one ponder the imponderables of life. Remember that looking directly at the sun, even during an eclipse can hurt your eyes. Be sure and read the Nasa Eclipse Eye Safety page for information on safely enjoying the eclipse.

Be Benevolent to Each Other

In Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Bill, or is it Ted, advises the people of the future to: Be Excellent! ... to each other. That thought, by itself should be sufficient a posting. But wait, there is more. In 1 Corinthians 7:3 , Paul advises the saints in Corinth: 3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. What, then, is benevolence ? One definition is: The disposition to do good; good will; charitableness; love of mankind, accompanied with a desire to promote their happiness. In other words, a desire to do nice things to make other people happy. It is the ability to find joy in making other people happy. It is the very opposite of "what's in it for me?" Benevolence, then, is what romance is all about. By doing acts of benevolence for your sweetie and by recognizing and appreciating benevolence when directed at you, you will discover the very heart and soul of romance. Indeed, the very key to keep

Sweet Deal: HearthSong Discount

I like HearthSong as a place to get fun ideas like HearthSong Valentine Kit . Valentine's Day is long gone. Yet red hearts and the like are always romantic and can be hard to find after Valentine's day. If you order more than $50.00, don't forget to enter the code HSASPR at checkout to get $10.00 off.

April Fools Day

Ok, most of us think of Valentines when we think of romantic holidays. But April Fools day can also be romantic, with just a little thought. The essence of April Fools is to surprise your sweetie. Instead of pulling a practical joke, pull an indirection instead. A couple of ideas: Remove the light bulb from the bedroom and call sweetie back to fix it. Use your imagination of what to do in the dark. Bring take out dinner home and put it in the oven. Tell sweetie you slaved all day making their favorite. Bring out the dinner, still in the take out boxes. Tell sweetie the power is out and have a cold dinner by candlelight. A romantic gag gift Get a romantic card or a suggestive card and write April Fools on the envelope and put "Since we have some time alone, let have lunch at ________" on the inside of the card. Drive somewhere within walking distance of nice restaurant. Call sweetie and say the car broke down and that you need a ride. Make sure sweetie finds the c