
Making the best out of your marriage

Nobody has things just as he would like them. The thing to do is to make a success with what material I have. It is a sheer waste of time and soul-power to imagine what I would do if things were different. They are not different. Frank Crane In a marriage, things are not always "perfect". Perfect is of course a relative idea. My idea of perfect and my sweetie's notion of perfection are not necessarily the same. We come from different backgrounds, with different life experiences and different expectations. Even after 16 years of marriage, we still don't see through the same eyes. How do we handle the differences? Do we pine away the time, wishing our sweetie were different, more perfect, more like yourself? Do you waste energy trying to perfect your sweetheart? Seems like a waste of time and energy. It is far better to focus on the positive aspects of your sweetie and your relationship. There are lots of wonderful things about your sweetie. Spend your time and effort i

Points to Ponder

42-15349135 Originally uploaded by Kurt81 . 1. Anger is a condition in which the tongue, works faster than the mind. 2. You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future. 3. Love .....and you shall be loved. 4. God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him. 5. All people smile in the same language. 6. A hug is a great gift, one size fits all. It can be given for any occasion and it's easy to exchange. 7. Everyone needs to be loved, especially when they do not deserve it. 8. The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity. 9. Laughter is God's sunshine. 10. Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it. 11. It's important for parents to live the same things they teach. 12. Thank God for what you have, TRUST GOD for what you need. 13. If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for. 14. Happy memories never wear out.... R

Black Friday Part II

The day after Thanksgiving is not Boxing Day, its Black Friday. Its the day the stores hope to make piles of money. To encourage people to give them lots of money they do lots of crazy things like open early, have ridiculously low prices on certain items and otherwise attempt to become between me and my money. This explains why the alarm went off at 4:10 A.M. on Friday morning. At this time I discovered another meaning for Black Friday, it was really, really dark. The sun was not due up for some time and here I was rushing to some store like an idiot with my dear sweetheart. I won't burden you with the rest of the tale: the lines, the driving, the cold, or the vast amount of money we gave to various establishments. No, you don't need all the gory details. Wait! Isn't this supposed to be a romantic site? Believe or not, as we spent the morning promoting capitalism, we also improved our relationship. We had lots of time in lines to talk undisturbed by children . We moved outs

The Free iPod Arrived

I know its not romantic on the surface, but just think how cool it would be to surprise your sweetheart with an iPod. Even better, the cost is in everyone's budget. Its simple to get started . I know what you are thinking: Does this really work? I said the same thing to my friend when he first metioned it. I said, "I'll believe it when I see you with an iPod in your hands". Well, he got one and now I did too. How does it work? After signing up for the iPod, you need to complete an offer. They have a list of 20 or so things you can choose from. A lot are credit cards, but there are others. Pick one that you either want or that can be canceled for minimal money. Some can be canceled for now money at all. After that, get 5 of your friends to do likewise. Then you get a free iPod in the mail.

A Soft Answer Turneth Away Wrath

It is in the home that our behavior is most significant. It is the place where our actions have the greatest impact, for good or ill. Sometimes we are so much 'at home' that we no longer guard our words. We forget simple civility. If we are not on guard, we can fall into the habit of criticizing one another, losing our tempers, or behaving selfishly. Because they love us, our spouses and children may be quick to forgive, but they often carry away in silence unseen injuries and unspoken heartache. Your sweetie should know how much you love them by how you speak. Do love and courtesy garnish your words? Do your body language and "tone of voice" communicate your appreciation for your sweetheart? Here are two simple ways to improve communication. First, smile. I hve written about smiling several times. Smile at your sweetie. Second, look each other in the eye. It increases the feeling of sincerity.

Online Shopping Lists

Christmas is coming, consider yourself warned. And yes, that radio station has been playing Christmas carols since Halloween. What are you going to get for your sweetheart this year? Make a Note of It talks about the importance of keeping a list of those things your sweetie has been wanting. There are a couple of online places to keep track of such lists. Amazon has a Wish List. It allows you to keep a list of all items available on Amazon. Of course, they are also make it easy to buy those items from Amazon. Froogle also has a Wish List feature. Like the Amazon list, it allows you to create a list of products you are interested in. The Froogle list seems easier to share than Amazon's. Also, since it isn't pegged to a single supplier, it shows a price comparison of the product from various shops, which I like. This Wish Lists can work two ways. First, you maintain a list of things you thing your sweetie is interested in. Second, your sweetheart creates a list an

Pay your sweetie a compliment

Pay your sweetie a compliment , just make sure it is a sincere one. Think of some physical feature you are attracted to, some talent they possess, or some other aspect of your sweetie that is really wonderful. Now, instead of telling the compliment, write the compliment down and send it to your sweetheart via snail-mail. People of feel the need to argue with a compliment to keep from appearing arrogant. You can't argue with the written word. Also, it make the compliment seem more sincere as it has a physical incarnation. Talk is cheap. Or you could just post it in our blog: Sweetie, you have the most beautiful eyes. Our kids are so lucky to have inherited them from you. For a funny compliment, see Surrealist Compliments For All