
Clean Romantic Humor

Believe it or not, this is the one subject that I have the hardest time finding humor on, even though I have a clean humor page and a romantic tips for married couples page. Most relationship humor is demeaning to either men or women or its just not fit for mixed company. Below are a few links you might find appropriate: This one is a personal story of how the best laid plans go astray. Not really a joke, but where to look for jokes. Some one - liners A cute story Not romantic, but might be appropriate Parent Job Description A wedding gift Silly riddles Senior Breakfast Why brides wear white Antiques dealer

Last Minute Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day, like I've said before , is a great time to honor those special women in our lives: mothers, grandmothers and sweethearts. As is customary, we give gifts to these women. My sweetie helped pick hers out, so she knows what she is getting. Her mother is getting a nice gift I think she will really like. Grandma is getting tomatoes, which she really enjoys. For my mom, still pondering that one. If you are stuck, I've included links to some links to Mother's Day gifts below. Mother's Day is Sunday. Get flowers from 10% OFF Mother's Day Orders at - Enter Code MDAY2006 -Ends 051406


Chivalry Originally uploaded by MontanaRaven . Blessed is the person who sees the need, recognizes the responsibility, and actively becomes the answer. --- William A. Ward Part of the power of marriage is the ability to help each other. As the years progress, we recognize the weaknesses, pressures, stresses and blindspots in our sweethearts. Once you see the need, seek to become the answer. Simple example: Your sweetie is busy with dishes, helping with homework, and trying to get ready for a meeting. Step up and take one of the burdens, like doing the dishes, onto yourself. This does not mean to take over everything your sweetie tries to do. But when your sweetheart needs help, step up and be there.

The importance of smiling

Happy Fruit Grass Originally uploaded by libraryman . We all need to take time to smile at our sweethearts. A true, sincere smile has a very powerful affect on others. It sends a message of acceptance and warmth, of love and gratitude. Consider the following quotes: If you're not using your smile, you're like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook. Les Giblin A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is at home. Unknown A smile is different than the cheesy grin most kids put on their faces in order to have their picture taken. When you smile let it be a true smile. Do you remember Peter Pan? In order for the fairy dust to make you fly, you had to think a happy thought. The same is true for Harry Potter and casting his famous Patronus. It is also true for smiles. To really smile, remember a happy experience in your life. It doesn't need to be related to the person you are smiling at, just a time that makes you

Here's my homework

I tagged myself with this meme: * Where did you go on your very first date? What did you do? My very first date was a dance called the morp (prom spelled backwards). I asked her out with a bouquet of weeds. * Where did you go on your first date with your sweetie? What did you do? We never really dated, just hung out as friends. I guess the time I came back in town early and went and hid at her place so know one would know I was back would be our first "date". * At what age did you start dating? 17 as a senior in high school * How long did you and your sweetheart date before getting married? We never really dated but we did things socially for several months. * When did you know you were going to get married? This is terrible, but I don't remember. It just made sense. * What was the best date you ever went on? For our anniversary, when we were in Austin, we had dinner on a gondola on the lake. That was loads of fun. * What was the worst date ever? I had asked a gal to

Compliments are delightful

Nothing makes people so worthy of compliments as receiving them. One is more delightful for being told one is delightful -- just as one is angrier for being told one is angry. Katherine F. Gerould

Mother's Day Gift Idea: Pajama Gram

Pajama Gram: Gift for you Mother or Wife