Here's my homework

I tagged myself with this meme:

* Where did you go on your very first date? What did you do?
My very first date was a dance called the morp (prom spelled backwards). I asked her out with a bouquet of weeds.

* Where did you go on your first date with your sweetie? What did you do?
We never really dated, just hung out as friends. I guess the time I came back in town early and went and hid at her place so know one would know I was back would be our first "date".

* At what age did you start dating?
17 as a senior in high school

* How long did you and your sweetheart date before getting married?
We never really dated but we did things socially for several months.

* When did you know you were going to get married?
This is terrible, but I don't remember. It just made sense.

* What was the best date you ever went on?
For our anniversary, when we were in Austin, we had dinner on a gondola on the lake. That was loads of fun.

* What was the worst date ever?
I had asked a gal to the ballet and she didn't show up. So I left the ticket with the flowers I had bought at her place. I spent the evening being the third wheel to my friend and his date.

* What would you like to do on a date that you have never done before?
I think maybe an evening at the beach, maybe in Hawaii


Romancing -

Great to hear back from you.

Its really true. We did a lot of group things together, but never really did anything just the two of us until when I came back from vacation and hid out at her place. I didn't realize it at the time, but that was how we headed down the path to matrimony.

The gondola ride was awesome. It was our 5th anniversary that we celebrated 6 months late. Teh gondola was motorized, but still a lot of fun. Dinner was a bit cold though.

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