Getting the bugs out of your marriage: Introduction Letter

Originally uploaded by m0smith.
From the desk of the Divorce Bug:


I'm the Divorce Bug. I'm highly contagious and terribly overworked. It seems that no marriage is completely immune from me ... so in an attempt to reduce my work load, I've developed this brochure on divorce. Contained herein are descriptions of my most potent viruses and divorce-fluenzas, which have successfully started thousands of unsuspecting married couples on the road to divorce. I've also included "top secret treatments" which have been developed by our "core prevention" research lab. Although the release of these findings is unprecedented. I believe the general public should be educated ... if not for their own sake, then for my own sanity. So please study this information carefully and try some of the treatments. Then maybe my wife and I will be able to take the Caribbean cruise we've been planning for the past five years.


The Divorce Bug


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